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Kromaticity French Bulldogs

+27 71 602 6769   info@kromaticityfrenchbulldogs.co.za

Steps To Potty train a French Bulldog

Congratulations on your New frenchie pup! Now that you finally have your new puppy to play with and enjoy there is a few things you need to start early on. And one of things is Potty training.

  • ‌schedule regular breaks and take your puppy out to the grass to potty. Remember when taking the pup out to mention the word potty. Say “lets go potty” .
  • ‌REWARS AND POSSITIVE REINFORCEMENT- when your pup went potty on the grass give him a reward such as a treat and tell him or her “Good” .
  • ‌always remember to take your pup to the grass after every meal and reward pup every time he goes to use potty outside.
  • ‌look for signs such as sniffing a lot and then also take them for a potty break , remember to each time use the words lets go potty.
  • ‌when you are  inside you can have a potty spot such as puppy pads and fake grass to prevent pup from using your whole house to potty

Enjoy every single minute with your new puppy!!!

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